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Meet Dr. Stuart Kelly

Years ago something happened to me that changed my life forever. I’ll never forget it as long as I live…

Dr. Stuart Kelly

In secondary school, football was my thing. I lived for it 24/7. In fact, I was good enough to have been called to one of the clubs in England. I was on top of the world. That is until one day I fell and injured my low back and neck badly. I remember the pain well, it was unbearable. With rest, medication from my medical doctor, and recommended physiotherapy my symptoms improved slightly. But I knew things still weren’t right. I started to get scared. Here I was, just a young guy, dreaming of being the next Ian Rush and I was walking around with this awful pain every day. Would I have to stay like this forever? Thankfully not…

My Introduction to Chiropractic Care

The physiotherapist who was treating me recommended giving this other doctor a try. I was skeptical at first, but I knew if I didn’t sort my problem out, I’d have to stop doing the things I loved and face the reality that things would probably get worse the older I got. I went along to see this doctor, who examined me thoroughly, explained what was wrong and then “adjusted” my spine. The adjustment didn’t hurt at all, it actually felt good. Within a couple of weeks I noticed a massive improvement and began working my way back to full fitness. Then things got really interesting…

I missed my chance at the clubs and, being 17, was unsure of what I wanted to do with my life. Then, for some reason, I had this massive interest in what the doctor who helped me was doing. He was doing what was, at that time, a new profession in Ireland called “Chiropractic.” I’d had such unbelievable results that I had to know what he was doing.

Six months later I was in Bournemouth, England starting a 5 year full time course to become a doctor of chiropractic, and that’s how it happened! After another 5 years working in the UK with various patients from all walks of life including professional football clubs and international rock bands, I decided to return home to practice in Ireland. Today with two offices, and a team of experienced practitioners and staff, we strive to help Dundalk and Swords chiropractic patients get well and stay well!

On a Personal Note…

Outside of work I am a sports fanatic! I play football for Balrothery FC three times a week and the occasional game of golf when I get a chance. Having being living in the UK for so long its great to be back in my local community immersed in Irish sporting and social culture again.

As I explain to all my patients modern lifestyles can be stressful. Long term stress on our nervous systems can cause disease and ill-health that lead to many of the problems that present to our clinics, so its vital we maintain a lifestyle that counteract these stresses as much as possible. Personally I have a chiropractic adjustment at least once a month, exercise regularly, maintain a well balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and managing my stress levels by making time for activities that I enjoy i.e playing sports, reading books, watching movies and socializing with friends.

Thanks for visiting our site. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we may be of service to you. Call Premier Chiropractic in Dundalk or Swords today or email us so we can help you take your first step towards better health.

Premier Chiropractic Limited | Two Offices To Serve You

Dr. Stuart Kelly

Dundalk: 042 932 8699

Swords: 085 724 4706

Company Director: Stuart Kelly | Company Number 479619

Phone Consultation
